Many people believe that you need a substantial amount of money to even start investing. However, the reality is different: even small amounts can grow significantly over time through smart and consistent investing.
In this article, we’ll explain how small investments can grow over time, how to get started with savings plans and low fees, and how to avoid common mistakes.
Even if you only invest small amounts, they can grow substantially thanks to the compound interest effect and a long-term strategy. The key is to start early and invest consistently.
The compound interest effect is one of the most powerful forces in wealth building. It describes the process where not only the principal but also the earned interest is reinvested, allowing it to earn interest again. Even small investments can grow significantly over time thanks to this effect.
A simple example: You invest 25 euros per month in an ETF with an average return of 6% per year. After 10 years, you’ll have over 4,000 euros thanks to compound interest, even though you’ve only contributed 3,000 euros. Over 30 years, your investments could grow to over 25,000 euros – all thanks to the continuous reinvestment of returns.
Many successful investors started small. If you invest 25 euros per month, it may seem like a small amount initially, but in the long term, even these small sums can lay the foundation for your wealth building. Here are a few concrete examples:
Example 1: If you invest 25 euros per month in an ETF with an average 7% annual return, you could amass over 30,000 euros after 30 years.
Example 2: If you increase the amount to 50 euros per month and invest for 25 years, with the same return, you could end up with over 50,000 euros. This demonstrates the importance of consistency and a long-term investment horizon.
By regularly investing small sums, you’re laying the groundwork for a secure financial future. Plus, something else happens: you develop a financial routine. You regularly engage with your finances, which for many investors leads to an increase in their savings rate, helping them to build even more wealth.
Savings plans are an excellent way to invest small amounts consistently and automatically. They allow you to build wealth continuously without much effort.
ETFs (Exchange Traded Funds) and stock savings plans are perfect tools for investors looking to start with small amounts. They allow you to regularly invest small sums and benefit from the diversification these products offer.
With an ETF savings plan, you can start investing in a broad array of stock markets with just 25 euros per month. ETFs are low-cost and give you access to hundreds of companies worldwide, reducing your risk compared to investing in individual stocks while maximizing the long-term growth potential of your capital.
Another advantage of savings plans is their automation. You can set a fixed amount to be invested monthly without actively purchasing securities. Many brokers like Trade Republic or Scalable Capital offer fee-free or very low-cost savings plans, so even small amounts aren’t impacted by high fees.
Automated savings plans also help you stay disciplined. No matter how the market is performing, your savings plan will keep running automatically, allowing you to benefit from the cost-average effect – the average purchase price benefit achieved through regular investments. In the long run, you’re buying at neither particularly high nor low prices. Trying to time the market isn’t a good idea, as no one has a crystal ball to predict the future. Savings plans, on the other hand, offer a simple way to invest steadily in the market.
The biggest mistake many make is believing they need to save up a lot of money before they can start investing. That’s not true – you can start with small amounts and still reap the benefits over time.
Even with a small budget, you can invest successfully. A simple goal could be to start with 25 euros a month. Through an ETF savings plan or fractional stock investing – which some brokers allow – you can make your money work for you.
What’s important is to invest regularly and increase your savings rate when you have more funds available. Even with small sums, you can build a solid financial foundation over time.
To ensure that your small contributions aren’t eroded by high fees, choose a low-cost broker. Many online brokers offer affordable ETF and stock savings plans with no or minimal transaction fees. Examples of brokers with good offers include Trade Republic and Scalable Capital.
By choosing a low-cost provider, you maximize your returns as more of your earnings stay in your portfolio. Compare providers to find the best terms for your savings plan.
Even with small savings, there are a few mistakes to avoid to get the most out of your investments over time.
Consistency and persistence are critical to the success of small savings. Many investors make the mistake of saving irregularly or pausing their savings plans when the market appears to be underperforming. To fully benefit from compound interest, it’s essential to invest regularly – ideally monthly.
Inconsistent saving also means you’re not making the most of the cost-average effect, which can reduce your returns over time. If you only invest when the market is doing well, you’re likely buying at higher prices. It’s better to rely on an automated savings plan that runs independently, helping you invest consistently.
Another common mistake is giving up before compound interest has a chance to work its magic. Especially with small amounts, it can initially feel slow to build wealth, but compound interest shows its true power over decades. You need to force yourself to think long-term and withstand short-term fluctuations.
Patience is key. Even if the results seem small at first, the impact over a longer period can be astounding. It’s essential not to give up too early and give the process the time it needs. Investing is a marathon, not a sprint.
Small savings can make a big difference over time. Thanks to the compound interest effect and a disciplined, consistent investment strategy, you can build substantial wealth even with modest contributions. Savings plans, ETFs, and low-cost brokers give you the opportunity to invest steadily and benefit from long-term growth.
Avoid the common pitfalls of inconsistent saving and not sticking it out – even small amounts can lead to significant success.
Where do you start if you want to invest sustainably? We show you in our carefully prepared online course.